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Monday, July 30, 2012

The time it takes a wandering body to light

It's now been a little over four weeks back in Massachusetts and I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the assistance of those who have opened their homes for me to alight in.

Pasang and his wife Janice gave me safe haven in Melrose and allowed me to stir up their beautiful kids, Kimaya and Dhewa! My friend Belinda was wonderful in putting me up in her condo in North Cambridge and I now find myself in the Villa Graziella in Belmont, which really does feel like Italy to me in the way of welcome and hospitality.

The deck and the garden are inspiring.
....and so is Akira, Samurai Wonder Cat!
I've got Melrose and Cambridge pictures on the way, but I'm posting these to celebrate a sense of place.

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