I grew up with hurricanes. They can wreak havoc and in general, aren't fun when taking into consideration the toll they take. However, when given a day off, I'm the first person to be grateful for my non-essential status.
Sandy looks to be a mother, and not in the happy, warmly sentimental sense. From what I understand, coastal flooding has already begun in New Jersey and other points south. My sense of this is that we'll be spared the brunt of this. The winds are kicking up and subsiding, kicking up, subsiding, but so far, this doesn't seem to be too extreme. My concern lies more with those in the stretch from DC to NYC. May they be safe.
It was great to wake up and meditate and yoga-ate. I've got some reading ahead and I may venture out later to check out what I presume will be an empty Belmont Street.
There's shlock to watch and I'll peruse some Lovecraft and some Poe in honor of the season (it's an annual thing), but/and I have more substantial study to do and there's always more time for contemplation.
For those of you on the region, be safe and warm. Many thanks to all who have sent good wishes our way.
Hm. The wind is picking up more strongly out there.
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